Dangler Design Ideas & Tips

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Are you on the hunt for a dangler design idea? If so, you are more than likely already aware of what they are as well as their purpose. If not, do not worry as we will explain “What is a dangler?” and why you should use them at your business.

In general, dangler printing creates a printed piece that typically hangs from the ceiling. The dangler can be used to draw attention to a special or promotion. It can also add to the overall experience or ambience of a space.

Since there is not much information online about danglers (in other words, there is a lack of a “Dangler Dossier”), we are going to share some dangler design tips to keep in mind as you plan to produce and hang them in your business.

What are Danglers Used For?

As previously mentioned, a dangler is used to promote a product or enhance the customer experience. No matter your overall dangler design idea, there are unique approaches that help you accomplish your goal:

Product Promotion

By placing products on a dangler, you are trying to draw more attention to the dangler in order to increase product awareness and grow sales. Most of the time, this choice is made to promote a new product or spotlight high margin products in order to increase their net profit.

 Seasonal Danglers

This is easy to understand as it simply references the inclusion of elements related to a specific holiday, the various seasons or sporting events. Think of items such as winter snowflakes, Christmas ornaments or footballs and baseballs when it is time for their seasons. Keep these dangler design tips in mind to make a retail space more festive and inviting.

Themed Danglers

If you collaborate with companies that license their IP for use in media such as movies or TV shows, you can use danglers that reference characters or elements from the TV shows or films. You can also collaborate with your hometown or other companies on timely events such as plays or contests.

Where Should You Hang a Dangler?

The answer to this question is obvious since most danglers are hung from the ceiling. However, you can also place them on surface levels that still allow for a hanging clearance (only if it makes sense for the promotion or theme related to the danglers).

For example, matching the season with hanging umbrellas and beach balls means they can generally be hung anywhere. On the other hand, promoting a specific product means hanging them near the entrance or near seating areas (tables, bar, or booths) to get maximum customer exposure.

Dangler Printing Options

Much like other printed products, danglers allow you to get creative with their design. The actual printing process is quite standard as they are two-sided prints which have a hole that allows them to be hung. It is the creative choices for the danglers that impact how they are printed (such as adding dimension to the dangler).

Here are three of the most common dangler printing options that are used to create custom danglers:

1.      Die-Cut Danglers

These are cut shapes that add to the visual impact of the printed product. Some of the most popular examples include snowflakes and beer bottles.

2.      3D Danglers

While these danglers are also die-cut, they include additional cuts that allow you to insert multiple pieces that lock together. The result is a three-dimensional object that makes a lasting impression on customers.

3.      Standard Danglers

These are basic shapes such as circles, rectangles and squares that cost less than other printing options because they do not require complex cuts.Keep these design tips in mind when starting your next dangler project so you can incorporate them into your marketing plans. Whether your danglers are for retail, a restaurant, or a corporate event, we can help you with design ideas that your customers won’t forget!

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