Car Dealership Banner Design Ideas

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If you are looking to create a car dealership banner for your automobile dealership, you have likely worked on a similar automotive banner design project in the past. You might be involved in the design process or you could be part of the team starting to work on the actual banner. If this is the case, we thought it would be helpful to share some automotive banner design ideas for your dealership to keep in mind before making the final design decision and banner purchase. You just might find the perfect banner design in the ideas listed below!

Banner Design Idea 1: Size of Font on the Banner

When it comes to ensuring your car dealership banner is making the impact you desire, it is important to consider the legibility of the banner. In other words….Size matters when it comes to delivering your marketing message. 

You need to remember that your banner will be viewed from a variety of distances, angles and lighting situations. The viewing angle of a consumer can have a big impact on how well a customer at your dealership can read and easily comprehend your promotion, sales offer or branding message.

In general, the most popular guideline used when determining the proper sign and banner font size is to make them at least one inch (72 pt.) tall for every 10 feet of viewing distance consumers will experience when looking at the banner. 

Banner Design Idea 2: Use Contrast – On the Banner & in the Background

Banner design ideas need to consider the colors used as they are an important part of the overall banner design. The decision about the banner background color can depend on the placement of the banner so keep that in mind when choosing whether to go with light or dark colors.  For an effective contrast that makes an impact, the color of both the banner text and design should be in contrast with the background color in order for it to stand out and be easy for customers to read. It is a good idea to use a total of two or three different colors so you can easily differentiate the design elements of the banner.

Banner Design Idea 3: Two-Sided VS One-Sided Designs

One aspect of automotive banner design that is often overlooked is whether the customer will be viewing the banner from only one side or if the banner will be viewed from the back and the front.

You might be thinning…Why does this even matter?

It matters because the appearance of the back of a banner is often ugly. A less than ideal view can make customers see your showroom floor or dealer lot as being cheap or tacky. Plus, it is a missed branding opportunity to only use one side of the banner.

You should consider where your banner will be placed in the dealership. Be sure that it is hanging in a location where customers will be able to see your message from both sides. In other words, it is in your best interest to print on both sides of the banner.

Banner Design Idea 4: Size of Banner

You’ll often find that the banners with the lowest cost are those with standard sizes (AKA the banners that a print company has a good amount of stock inventory at all times). Even though they are standard size, they might not be the best fit for your available space.  You need to determine if the banner will fit and also be aesthetically appealing before making the final decision about the banner you pick.

It is important to remember that big spaces typically need bigger banners in order to achieve maximum readability and for it to “look right” in the available space. On the other hand, small spaces can be limiting when it comes to the banner size and this may force you to use a smaller banner.

Plus, whether you are dealing with a big or small space, your banner might require special mounting to keep it in place which needs to be considered during the design process.
If you keep these car dealership banner design ideas in mind, you’ll be sure to have an effective, attention grabbing banner.

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Phone: 724-837-0530




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