How Often Should You Send Direct Mail to Your Customers?

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Getting in front of current and prospective customers is very important for every business and organization. We assume you already know this, but do you know the best frequency at which to get in front of those customers? Is there a specific rule to follow?

In this article we’ll discuss specifically how often you should send out direct mail to customers and prospects to maximize your return on effort.

What are You Promoting in Your Direct Mail Campaigns?

The content of your direct mail significantly influences how frequently you should send mailers out. If you’re promoting a one-time sale occurring in a month, your campaign might include one or two mailings leading up to the event to build anticipation and urgency. Conversely, if you’re promoting a conference or a long-term service available over several months, your strategy will differ. For events far in the future, like a conference 11 months away, you have the opportunity to send multiple pieces of mail spaced over several months. This approach keeps your message fresh and top of mind, allowing for repeated exposure which can solidify interest and increase participation or sales.

Direct Mail Frequency: How Much is Too Much?

While some might worry that frequent direct mail could annoy recipients or lead to ad blindness, there’s little evidence to support this concern. In fact, the principle of repetition in advertising is well-established; the more often people see your brand, the more likely they are to remember and trust it. Of course, the key is balance, while frequent mailings increase visibility, each one should provide value or novelty to keep the recipient’s engagement.

It’s not just about the number of times you send mail, but the quality and relevance of the messages you are delivering.

When Should You Send Direct Mail?

A practical guideline is to aim for at least one direct mail piece per month. This frequency keeps your brand in regular rotation without overwhelming your customers’ mailboxes.

If your budget allows, increasing this frequency to weekly mailings can be highly effective, especially for campaigns aiming to build momentum quickly or maintain continuous engagement. Structuring your campaign to drop new mail pieces weekly ensures your brand remains consistent and top of mind, enhancing brand recall and increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

The optimal frequency for sending direct mail should align with your campaign goals, budget, and the nature of the message you want to communicate. Regular, thoughtful mailings can significantly enhance your visibility and influence, driving greater engagement and loyalty from your customers. Reach out to us today and we can plan a budget-drive, high-response direct mail campaign for your project.

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