Do Restaurants Use Brochures?

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A brochure for restaurant marketing has become a marketing tool that people don’t always realize is being used to the point that menu brochures are sometimes not even noticed. Thanks to the multiple marketing options available to restaurants such as email marketing, digital ads, and large format signs, It is normal to not be aware that brochures are still being used in the restaurant industry.  

In other words, the answer to the question, “Are Brochures Used for Restaurants?” is “Yes!” The use of a pamphlet for restaurant marketing is an ideal option because it is cost-effective and can be utilized in a number of ways. 

Types of Restaurant Brochures

The use of brochures in restaurants depends on your specific needs. Here are some of the different brochure options:


The most important element of menu brochures is listing your food and drink items as well as images of the items and their price. Brochure menus showcase popular choices and highlight upcoming offers and specials.


A brochure for restaurant marketing can also be used to promote events. These brochures can be offered as flyers available at each table, at the check-in desk, or in the area where customers are waiting to be seated. Event brochures should explain what the event is, share the time and cost, and also spotlight some images so the public knows what to expect.


A common use of a pamphlet for restaurant marketing is promoting catering services. If someone asks if you offer catering, you want to have easy to share information that they can review and take home with them. Brochures give you the space to list the different meal options as well as pricing and images.

Tips on Making Restaurant Brochures Effective

When you are trying to decide what to include in your brochure, keep the following tips in mind:

  • The Overall Look Matters – Don’t settle for a brochure that is poorly designed and printed. Make sure you consider the brand of the restaurant by using the right font, colors, and images. You want consumers to pick up the brochure and browse it which means the overall look and finish of the brochure needs to reflect the business. 
  • Discounts & Promotions Get Attention – If you are using a brochure to promote an upcoming event or your general services and offerings, consider including a discount or promotion for the public For example, offer a free drink or free admission to someone that brings the flyer to the event. You can also offer a discount to students who have a valid ID or give a special discount to seniors.

If you are ready to make brochures work for your restaurant, call Fotorecord today to get started.

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