When is the Next Price Increase For Stamps?

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Stamp prices have increased every single year since 2011, and in more recent years, there have been multiple increases. With rising costs, consumers and businesses are always on the lookout for when the next increase could take place. This continuous upward trend in stamp prices has significant implications for individuals and organizations that rely on postal services for communication and operations.

Historic Stamp Prices

Over the past few years, there have been two stamp price increases annually. These increases have typically occurred in January and either July or August each year. This pattern suggests that the United States Postal Service (USPS) follows a semi-annual schedule for adjusting stamp prices. For instance, in 2023, there were price hikes in January and July, and a similar pattern was observed in previous years. By examining this trend, we can anticipate future increases and prepare accordingly.

This consistent schedule allows consumers and businesses to plan their postage budgets more accurately. While the regularity of these increases can be frustrating, it also provides a level of predictability. By understanding the historical context of stamp price adjustments, we can better gauge when the next hikes might occur.

So When Will the Next Stamp Price Increase Be?

As of the writing of this article, the most recent stamp price increase took place on July 14, 2024. This follows the established pattern of mid-year adjustments. Given the historical trend of semi-annual increases, it is reasonable to predict that the next price hike will occur in January 2025. Furthermore, it is likely that another increase will follow in either July or August 2025.

This prediction is based on the observed pattern of the USPS’s pricing strategy over the past decade. While unforeseen factors could alter this schedule, the trend suggests a continued semi-annual adjustment. For consumers and businesses, this means preparing for potential price hikes at the beginning and middle of the year.

Staying informed about these changes is crucial for budgeting and operational planning. For businesses that rely heavily on mailing services, anticipating these increases can help mitigate the impact on their bottom line. Contact us today and we can make recommendations on how to best work around this and / or how best to prepare your next mailing with the least expensive postage rates possible.

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Phone: 724-837-0530




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