Are You Missing Out on the Best-Kept Secret in Marketing?
Finding your CPIs are getting too costly and becoming less effective?
We’ve combined cutting-edge digital marketing technology and made direct mail marketing highly dynamic and super effective for retargeting your anonymous website visitors!
Introducing Pixel 2 Postcard

Optimize Your Website Visitor Data
Use our dynamic Pixel-2-Postcard program to get better results and convert your "anonymous" website visitors into customers!
We’ll show you how direct mail is quickly becoming the best-kept secret in marketing. As digital platforms like search, social, and email grow more established and costly, the decline in USPS marketing mail over the past decade presents a golden opportunity. Now, you can consistently reach your top prospects six days a week, delivering a hands-on, clear, retargeted message directly to them. With our proprietary data-collection pixel, we’ll match up to 30 to 40 percent of your website traffic that you are either getting organically or through your paid advertising.
The process is simple – contact us via our website and fill out a short questionnaire. We'll provide a free consultation to see if your business and website qualify for our Pixel 2 Postcard program. Once we determine your monthly website data, conversion rates, and ballpark digital spend, we can show you how this program can turbocharge website conversions and sales. You won’t believe the small ROI for such incredible results!
Our data collection is fine tuned. Our pixel can be placed on any page of your choice to collect data daily. Once we have the data, we use it to create a custom-designed postcard mailer sent out as a 1st class postcard – the same day! In most cases, the unknown website visitor receives a postcard within 48 hours of visiting your site.
Get a major leg up on your competitors and capture more of your website visitors DAILY today!
Contact us NOW and get started on bigger results this month!
724-830-8130 x17
Pixel 2 Postcard Inquiry Form
We're excited to get you started with our Pixel 2 Postcard program. Please submit the following information in the form below and we'll get back to you with what's next.