Optichannel Marketing Campaigns & What is Optichannel

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A big topic that has come up recently is the usage of optichannel marketing in general and executing optichannel marketing campaigns. Since this marketing strategy is fairly new we’ve found that many marketers are looking for answers and details related to it so we decided that it was time to share our insight with you on what it is, why it’s different, how it works and how you can use it.

What is Optichannel Marketing?

To start this off and make sure everyone is on the same page we feel it’s important to define what Optichannel Marketing actually is. Optichannel Marketing is optimizing the communication and delivery of content within each channel based on the insights provided from the collective and individual performance of all other channels.

This means that while each channel has its own needs when it comes to what you share and how you share it, this same channel is a part of a journey that includes other channels and when analyzed comprehensively you’ll find better ways of utilizing each channel when sharing different messages or targeting different audiences.

Optichannel Marketing vs Omnichannel Marketing – What’s the Difference?

This is a really good question because in the marketing world you’ll find that many terms are just another variation of another word and that there isn’t much of a difference between the two. But in the case of Omnichannel Marketing vs Optichannel Marketing there is a distinct difference that we’ll cover for you here.

Omnichannel Marketing – What is it?

Omnichannel is really using all channels at the same time to create a big impact on your target.

Marketers use these tactics to create an overwhelming brand experience for customers.

Think of it kind of like being “Omnipresent – Everywhere at All Times”.

The difference between Optichannel and Omnichannel is that Optichannel strategically focuses on each channel with an Omnichannel Marketing Effort or Multichannel Marketing Campaign.

So an Optichannel Marketing Campaign doesn’t have to be Omnichannel, but does have to be Multichannel (have more than one marketing channel involved) with typically 3 or more channels.

How Does Optichannel Marketing Work?

Optichannel marketing works by pairing the path or journey that customers take, the data from each individual channel and the cross-channel data then using it to make strategic decisions on how to best deliver a message on each channel, per customer segment and per action / outcome desired.

Unfortunately there is no “one way” or “one size fits all” optichannel solution.

Every brand, company and organization has different channels, customers, offerings and limitations on what data they can collect. So focusing on what you want to know to make better decisions for the future is key for any optichannel marketing campaign or strategy to work.

Here are a list of questions to ask yourself as you prepare an optichannel campaign

  • What audiences am I targeting?
  • What do I want them to do?
  • What am I saying to them to get them to do what I want them to do?
  • What channels am I communicating to them on?
  • What data can I collect?
  • What tools do I have to analyze that data?
  • Can I track / measure the thing I want them to do?

Even a small amount of data will help and is useful. The more the better, but every marketing professional has the ability to make an optichannel marketing effort work.

Should I Use Optichannel Marketing?

The answer to this question really comes down to if you are using more than two marketing channels. Like we pointed out in the Omnichannel vs Optichannel section you need to have the diversity of channels to run an optichannel campaign. If your plan doesn’t do that then no, you won’t be engaging in optichannel marketing. If you are running 3 or more channels then yes you should use it.

If the question is more about if you should increase the channel count to meet that threshold of being able to run an optichannel campaign then the answer is also yes as long as your budget allows and the market supports those channels.

Optimizing Your Direct Mail in an Optichannel World

The good thing about Direct Mail today is that you can track and measure its performance making it ideal for an optichannel marketing campaign. By including vanity URLs, Personalized URLs (PURLs) or QR codes you can get exact data on engagement and pair that with other channel data such as web traffic, ad impressions and clicks, podcast listens and more.

Direct mail has one the highest engagement rates across all marketing channels making it perfect for an optichannel marketing campaign and strategy.

Whether you are just starting to get into optichannel marketing or you’ve been doing it for a while we love working with companies who are doing it as well and would love to have a conversation with you about your current or upcoming campaigns.

Contact Us Now for More Information

Phone: 724-837-0530




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